Knowing the Numbers in Your Business

Today, I want to talk to you about……….. ” Knowing and Understanding your Numbers ” ………. if you think  of your BUSINESS as a GOLF TOURNAMENT then I think your PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT would be your scorecard.

Think of the numbers as the way we keep score in business.

As management guru Peter Drucker said, “ whats measured improves “.

If the numbers are we way we keep score in business……… then if you are enjoying your business you should be eager to find out how well you did at the end of the month………..just as you are eager to add up your scorecard at the end of a round of golf.

After your round of Golf you think about those individual holes where you were over par, you think about the shots that you could have played better…… can’t wait to get back on the golf course to try to do better………..that’s what happens when your passionate about an activity……..that’s how you need to feel about your business and improving your numbers in your business.

Here’s the first thing I want you to do to put yourself in the best position possible to know and understand you numbers on a regular basis …….. Make sure that you have an automated system in place to easily capture the numbers in your business on a daily basis.

If you have any doubts at all about your present system take the XERO FREE TRIAL…….even if you run it in parallel with your current procedures for a while….bottom line is……… Xero does the job !

Check out the Xero website :-

If you have any questions about setting up Xero for your business just email me on :-


………………“ an ounce of action is worth a ton of theory “ ( Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century philosopher )

If you have any doubts about the capability of your present accounting system then go to and take the FREE TRIAL…………..Gather the numbers, compare the actual numbers to forecast and work consistently at improving those actuals

Until the next time
